Karen Bennett Photography Associate Qualification



Associate Qualification with The Societies of Photographers  https://thesocieties.net/

I have been working on my Associate Qualification for sometime. I decided right from the start that I would be entering monochrome images. Monochrome has always spoken to me. In my eyes a black and white image is timeless, there are no colour distractions and it tells a story, which is something I try to achieve within my images. This has been no easy task, but then a qualification of this type should never be easy. The most difficult part for me was to choose which images to use. All twenty images sit as a panel together in two lines of ten. I wanted to show my ability to capture the essence of the dog’s character in the studio and out on location. Three Fellowship examiners marked my work, they were extremely helpful with their comments and their good advice will help me to push my photography on further. It has been an amazing journey putting this panel together and something I would encourage any photographer to do no matter how long it takes. I hope you enjoy viewing my work below.

I wish to thank all the dogs that are featured within my panel along with ALL of my clients. I could not have done this without all of you and your beautiful, handsome dogs.

If I can be of help you with a dog shoot please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Tel – 07776 250078



You can find more Photographs of me and other pets at www.karenbennettphotography.co.uk

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