Barley and Poppy


We first saw Karen’s work on display in veterinary practice in Hungerford. We were blown away by the quality of the block prints adorning the walls- they were all not only amazing images to look at but also captured the real character of the subjects- cute, mischievous, playful, regal- they were all there! When one of us (not me!) had a big O birthday coming up, the only present worthy was a Karen Bennett portrait of our cockers, Barley and Poppy. On the day of the shoot Karen instructed us gently, calmly and decisively to sit here, stand there, lie like this, roll like that…I was every bit as exhausted as the dogs were! Poppy is young, inquisitive and can be a bit flighty. Barley is getting on and gets bored. Karen’s way with these two was unbelievably professional- she loved them, and they loved her back- and never once did anything to compromise the shoot. The results are stunning- my wife got her birthday present and two more for Christmas. As a pair, the spaniels look relaxed and joyous- their individual photos highlight the wisdom of Barley and Karen made Poppy look like she is made of golden silk. The follow up- choosing the prints- really highlighted just what an amazing person Karen is, not just what an amazing photographer she is. Her patience and the stunning cinema-like set up makes the incredibly difficult job of choosing a really fun exercise. And the coffee is outstanding! We cannot recommend Karen enough.

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